People with M.E. #pwME often find it hard to find much satisfaction in life.

It is very hard to find a purpose when you may only have a few good hours a day.

And you don’t know if that day will be today, or next week.

I’ve struggled with it for years.

I didn’t really find it until recently, although I tried many things,
but kept getting beaten down by life or lack of ‘battery life’

I always tried to live my life with Intent, to have a purpose,
broadly speaking, it was something like:

Tread Lightly upon the Earth, Take Nothing but Photos, leave Nothing but Footprints.
Do what good you can, do as little harm as you can.

I was not always successful, and more often a Human Doing, rather than a Human Being.

little lies

Also I can be too trusting, and perhaps believe people too often. So I let people burn me, once or twice.
Please don’t tell me sweet little lies, they only make me think things are OK when they are not.

Lies also tend to make people on the spectrum More Fearful, which is already our dominant emotion.

I always prefer the brutal truth, radical honesty.

If something about me bothers you, don’t suffer in silence, don’t be a martyr, get off the cross, we need the wood!

If I can change it, and see the real reason for change ( this may take a few questions and discussion), it won’t hurt me or other people, it probably sounds like a good change to me, and one I need to work on, and may not have seen myself.

to Live with Intention?

What does that mean?

I try not to make rash decisions, but think through them perhaps too much in advance.

A lawyer once asked me to think through actions by thinking about both the Purpose, and the Intent.

They can be quite different.